A Guide to Jack
Fruit Eating Qualities
Mackay Branch Newsletter
Scientific name: Artocarpus heterophyllus
Family: Moraceae
response to many requests I have compiled a list of jakfruit varieties
in an endeavour to compare taste etc.
Jakfruit varieties can be divided into two basic types according to
types which are generally used for processing such as puree and mixed
in ice -creams, milk shakes, custards and various desserts. This type
generally does not have a lot of latex and therefore is quite easy to
Crisp flesh types are best consumed as a fresh fruit
within a relatively short time of being opened. Crisp types generally
have a lot of latex (solution - vegetable oil generously spread over
the knife and the operator's hands) and it can take a considerable
longer time to open and process it for eating. It should be noted that
most of the latex is found in the core and if, after dissecting the
crisp flesh fruits lengthwise, the core is removed, most of the latex
problem is solved.
Soft Flesh Types
Cheena -
Champadek x Jakfruit
has a rich strong flavour. The arils are large, soft and yellow in
colour. The fruit is cylindrical in shape and small - up to 5 kg. This
fruit is particularly easy to open. Grafted plants are readily
available. Recommended variety.
Reliance -
(Seedling selection from Col and Dawn Gray, Cape Tribulation)
size fruit, prolific bearer. The flavour is mid-jakfruit range and
acceptable. The texture though, is on the chewy side, arils are large.
This fruit cannot be recommended at this time.
Ttee Farm -
(Seedling selection from David Chandlee and Lauren Gartrell, El Arish)
flavour is mid to strong and acceptable. The texture is soft, fruit
size is small, even roundish shape. The smallish arils are yellow in
colour. This fruit is considered to be an above-average soft type.
Lemon Fresh -
(Seedling selection from Joe and Ivy Zappala, Bellenden Ker)
Medium size fruit, prolific bearer. The arils are quite soft, yellow
and have a distinct lemon flavour.
Black Gold -
(Seedling selection by Arne Sorensen, North Qld.)
Large fruit 10 to 15 kg. Aril texture is softish and the fruit is very
easy to open. The flavour is mid-jakfruit range.
Alba -
(Seedling selection by Alba family, Atherton Tablelands)
Soft type - reputed to be of good quality however it has not been
tasted by the author.
Crisp Flesh Types
Hew -
Importation by Kamerunga Research Station, Cairns
also as NA/HEW. Medium to large size fruit. The arils are many and
medium in size with a slight orange colour. Aril texture is crisp and
of excellent flavour. This is one of the easiest crisp types to open.
Grafted plants are not readily available as yet. This variety has been
recommended by Kamerunga Research Station.
N.A.N.S.I. -
Importation by Kamerunga Research Station, Cairns
N.A.N.S.I. is medium to large in size but more cylindrical in shape
than Hew. The arils are yellow in colour and crisp in texture, flavour
is very good. This variety has been recommended by Kamerunga Research
Station but is not readily available.
Honey Gold -
(Seedling selection by Arne Sorensen)
Gold is a medium size fruit that would appear to have a pollination
problem. That is, not all of the arils are present, which leaves the
fruit with a lumpy appearance. From a limited amount of trials in this
area, it is possible that the application of Borax might solve most of
this problem. Regular application of a complete fertilizer, e.g.
dynamic lifter, also appears to be of assistance.
The arils are
very large, fine and crisp in texture and excellent flavour. This is a
difficult jakfruit to open and has a lot of latex. Grafted trees of
this variety are readily available and is recommended by the Kamerunga
Research Station.
Galaxy -
(Seedling selection by Fitzroy Nursery)
is medium in size and even in shape. The arils are smallish, large in
number and yellow in colour. Aril texture is crisp and the flavour
excellent. This is a variety which is recommended by Kamerunga Research
Station. This variety was used for tasting in the recent Horticultural
Display in Rockhampton - 99% of those people who tasted it rated it as
Zieman -
(Seedling selection by Zieman family from Darwin)
is a medium size fruit. The arils are orange-pink in colour and very
crisp in texture. The flavour, though good is not considered by the
Author to rate as highly as either Honey Gold and Hew. Grafted plants
are available but at this time not in large numbers.
Jackfruit Page