Article from the West Australian Nut and Tree Crop Association
by Leonid A. Burmistrov, Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry, Russia

Pomegranate Culture in Central Asia
IntroductionThe pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is the only species in the genus Punica,
and appears to be a relict of a much wider Mediterranean distribution
of clear Gondwanan origin. The family has every indication of a
tropical origin, but has evolved under natural selection and
domestication, with the latter extending its range well beyond its
native area. Cultivation and selection has produced many cultivars,
reflecting the internal polymorphism of the species. Within the former
USSR, the pomegranate is native to Central Asia and the Caucasus, but
in this area vegetative propagation has been common and a number of
interesting local forms have been preserved.N.I.
Vavilov, after whom our Institute was named, showed great interest in
the pomegranate. In a letter to A.D. Skrebskova he mentioned how much
he liked the fruit, and suggested that the time was right to elucidate
and describe the evolutionary path it had taken [Vavilov, 1987a]. In
other letters to her he expressed the need to investigate pomegranate
polymorphism and cytology, to extend its cultural range [Vavilov,
1987b], and to preserve its natural geneplasm resources [Vavilov, 1965].The PlantThe
pomegranate has the form of a shrub, 1.5-3m high, with perhaps 20-40
stems of varying age and diameter. Rozanov [1961] has noted a 5m plant.
This had stems up to 6cm across, with dingy-grey, finely-fissured bark.
Popov [1929] considered that pomegranates of the Pamir-Altai district
were distinctive for their brownish-yellow stems, and on this basis
classed them under the form tadshikorum.Young
pomegranate shoots are greenish-grey and spiny, one-year wood is
yellowish green and bare but ends with a needle-like prickle. Buds are
small (0.2cm), brownish-green, and turnip-shaped. Leaves on one-year
wood are opposite-paired, on two-year wood they appear as leaf bundles,
3.8-4.0cm long and 1.3-1.6cm wide. They are broad-lanceolate with
entire margins, narrowly wedge-shaped at the base, roundish at the top
and always bare and shiny. Petioles are 0.7-0.8cm long, and bare.Time
of leafing-out depends on the local conditions, so that along the
Piandzh River and on well-warmed southern slopes at 600-700m elevation,
leaves appear as early as March. At the upper limits of its range, as
in Pamir-Altai at an altitude of 1200-1300m, leaf-out starts in the
first half of April and growth ceases in June. On the other hand, in
the irrigated areas of the Gissar valley, pomegranates continue growth
into late autumn.In the wild, a
period of intense growth precedes flowering. In Pamir-Altai
pomegranates lose their leaves with winter, but in warmer areas such as
Florida and South China, they may be evergreen. Rozanov [1961]
considers that leaf-shed is an adaption to a dryer, more temperate
climate.The FruitPomegranate
plants bear a distinctive, specialized berry-type fruit called a
cenocarpium, with many seeds surrounded by juicy flesh and in a unique
two-storied arrangement called a nidus, within a distinctive tough,
pliable rind. Fruits of wild pomegranates are very varied, but are
usually roughly spherical, somewhat flattened at the top, smooth, of a
washed-out greenish- or orange-yellow colour. Some wild fruits are
dingy green. The pulp is pink and sour, or very occasionally
sour-sweet. Cultivated varieties are even more varied in shape and
colour, the latter ranging from pink and crimson-red to blackish-violet
and blue [Petrova, 1989]. According to B.S. Rozanov [1960, 1961], fruit characteristics can be used to distinguish two subspecies, Punica granatum subsp. chlorocarpa, which includes all wild forms and some cultivated forms, and P. granatum subsp. porphyrocarpa, which includes only some cultivated forms.Fruits
ripen in September and October. From a single shrub growing in the
Darvaz Mountains, 100-200 fruits may be obtained, but their size and
weight will vary greatly with conditions - drier conditions means
smaller fruits. Wild plants growing along river banks or on
well-exposed slopes may give fruits as good as orchard plants; the main
difference then is in the size and flavour of the fruits. Generally,
wild fruits are smaller and more sour than orchard fruits [Vavilov,
1929; Speranskii, 1936; Neubauer, 1954; Evreinoff, 1957].Rozanov
has shown that Tadzhikistan cultivars, such as 'Chuchuk-dona',
'Shaarsabzy', 'Oblik-Nardon' , and 'Achik-Anor', are the closest to
wild forms, and represent the first stages of domestication. Many
cultivars found in the Darvaz, Gissar, and Karategin Mountains were
originally selected from the wild, and have restricted areas of use, as
little as one village. Evreinoff [1957] has pointed out that the
pomegranate represents a classical example of domestication of a wild
fruit tree. Introduction into culture did not occur at any one centre,
but was a parallel process extending over the whole wild range. As with
Central Asia, other countries within the natural range, such as
Afghanistan and Iran, have their own local selections.Pomegranate
seeds are very small, with 250-300 seeds per fruit, and light brown.
They germinate easily. Their composition is 6-35% water, 6-21% fat,
12-20% starch, 22-34% cellulose, 9-10% nitrogenous compounds, and 1-2%
ash. Some specimens have high seed oil content, including punic,
lauric, palmitic, arachic, and linoleic oils. They may also have a high
content of tocopherol, a natural auto-antimutagene. This may be one
reason why this relict genus has persisted. There is no tocopherol in
the vegetative organs, which may have a link to the increase in somatic
variation in the north of the natural range.Reproduction and GrowthIn
the wild, pomegranates reproduce by seed. Seedlings appear in April.
Growth is slow at first, especially in dry conditions, then speeds up
somewhat. On dry slopes, a seedling may take 10-12 years to reach a
height of 1m; if irrigated it may reach the same height in 2 years. The
plants are long-lived. Berezhnoi [1951] has found plants as old as
50-70 years, while Kuznetsov [1956] noted pomegranates as much as 300
years old in the Surkhan-Darinskii region of Uzbekistan.Pomegranate
roots may reach a depth of 170cm after 4-6 years, and after 8-9 years
their surface roots extend well beyond the canopy limits, and so may
have a major role in anchoring mountain slopes and soils, with their
drought-resistance a major plus.Even
though pomegranates have good drought resistance, they will grow well
in soils of high moisture content. Plants grow successfully in areas
where winter temperatures do not fall below -12°C, with long, hot
summers, and a warm, dry, even autumn. If temperatures fall below
-20°C, pomegranates may be killed back to the ground. Under conditions
where the vegetative period is sufficiently long but temperatures may
fall below -15°C, frost protection is needed for successful crops.
Spring frosts are not usually a problem as the pomegranate is a late
bloomer, but autumn frosts before harvest can be dangerous. Good fruit
ripening needs a hot summer and a long, dry, and warm autumn.Pomegranates
will grow on rocky mountain slopes, on riverbank sands, and even on
gravels and alkaline soils. Best growth is obtained on deep fertile
well-drained loams and clay loams. Plants will not withstand very salty
or marshy conditions.The plants have
been used as hedges and boundary plants in orchards since ancient
times; sometimes there is no distinction between the hedge and the
orchard plant. In the wild, pomegranates are found associated with
Bokhara almond, hawthorn, pistachio, Regal maple, sumach, and other
local trees. More rarely, and mainly along the banks of the Piandzh
River, pomegranates are found in small groves with plane trees,
persimmons, grapes, and figs, at springs. These groves are protected as
sacred places by the local inhabitants [Zapriagaeva, 1947].
fruits, including wild ones, have a very wide variety of uses. Their
most important product is pomegranate juice, essentially the contents
of the gigantic sarcotestal cells which form the integument around the
seeds. The juice contains 76-78% water, 1.1-1.5% protein, 8-21 % sugar,
1-3% fat, and 0.3-5% acids. Wild pomegranate juice contains much the
same amount of sugar as that from cultivated types, but the acid
content is more than double, which detracts from the taste. Juice may
be used in fresh drinks, syrups, extracts, seasoning in meat dishes, as
well as in confectionary and ice-cream. Juice of wild pomegranates can
be used for producing citric acid crystals.The
rind of the fruit is no less valuable than the juice. Wild pomegranates
have thicker, tougher rind, containing more tannin, than cultivated
ones. Tannin content may be 26-30% Grossgeim, 1946; Sokolov, 1952],
soluble matter up to 21.8%, gum 34.2%, and resin to 10.9%. Pomegranate
tannins are used to treat the thinnest sorts of leather, including
Morocco [Endin, 1944], and have also been used in dyeing cloth. Dark
brown or beige colours are used with silk, green, khaki or browns with
cottons, and yellow-greens in wool blends. Pomegranate rind has been
locally used for centuries to get fast brown and black dyes.Pomegranate
rind extracts, containing substantial amounts of tannins, have been
used medicinally to treat gastric disorders [Kushelevskii, 1891;
Jayaweera, 1957; Parsa, 1960]. Alkaloids in the rind, especially
pelleterine, have wide medical application. Extracts give a positive
action with acute and chronic enterocolitis, and will usually cure
diarrhea after 4 days [Rossiiskii, 1946]. Rind also contains
isopeleterine, which is highly active against liver fluke [Wibaut,
1957]. Pomegranate bark from branches, trunks, and roots contains up to
32.7% tannins [Stankov, 1951], and root bark has been used as an
effective vermifuge for many years in India, Britain, and European
counties [Watt, 1892].Ground
pomegranate root is used in popular medicine to relieve injuries and
fractures and reduce pain [Gammerman, 1957]. Watt [1892] notes it as
the best remedy for chronic dysentery. Flower petals and buds also
figure widely in folk medicine, with infusions used to stop bleeding
[Abu-Ali Ibn-Sina, 1956], treat throat disorders [Medvedev, 1919] and
dysentery [Watt, 1892], and as a febrifuge [Monteverde, 1927].For
the people of Central Asia, the pomegranate is a symbol of plenty, and
a potent local medicine. Considered a sacred plant, the wood was not
burned. In ancient times there was a considerable trade in pomegranate
petals as a source of fast red dyes, but how these were prepared is not
currently known. Pomegranate leaves have been used as a tea substitute
[Sakhobiddinov, 1948]. Seeds have been used to prepare vinegar
[Strebkova, 1931) and extract oils [Nesterenko, 1949], as well as a
remedy for fever.Although these days
pomegranate is regarded mostly as a fruit-bearing plant, it can also
serve as a beautiful ornamental. Especially valuable are forms with
double flowers (P. granatum forma multiplex), with white flowers (f.
albescens) and with yellow petals (f. flavescens) [Rehder, 1949].Wild
pomegranate ranges are found in the Transcaucasus, Asia Minor and
Central Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan [Neubauer, 1954]. Within the former
Soviet Union, disjunct ranges of wild pomegranate exist in the
Transcaucasus [Voronov, 1925], Kopetdag [Popov, 1929], and Pamir-Altai
[Zapriagaeva, 1964].As regards Soviet
pomegranate cultivation, this has been centred in the Central Asian
republics, with about 3 million trees [Kolesnikov, 1973]. In
Uzbekistan, pomegranate orchards are widespread in the Surkhandarin,
Andizhan, Namangan, Fergan, and Bukhara regions. In Tadzhikistan,
pomegranates are grown in the north and north-west, with the main area
(74 %) being the Vakhsh Valley, with many new plantings - this area
does not need frost protection measures.Selection and VarietiesBreeding
and selection of pomegranate varieties on a scientific basis has been
going on for about 40 years - very little compared to perhaps 50
centuries of local folk selection. Scientific techniques used have
included selection from open-pollinated seedlings, varietal crossings,
selection of sports, and all manner of interbreeding, backcrossing, and
hybridization approaches, including introgression to the F4 generation.
So the new cultivars do not exceed 3 or 4 decades in age, compared to
2- 5 millennia of folk selection and 5- 7 million years of natural
selection of the species.The most
important breeding achievements during the Soviet period have been: 1)
deriving a suite of soft-seeded, sweet-acid cultivars; 2) obtaining
compact-habit cultivars, intended for intensive cultivation in modified
environments; 3) selecting soft-seeded cultivars which ripen early and
extra-early, with the aim of extending the regions over which
pomegranates may be grown. The following list includes the most
important and widespread varieties.1.
Achik-Dona. An Uzbek selection. Fruits are large and spherical, with a
pinky-gold skin. Seeds are large and long, the pulp is sweet and tasty.
It produces high yields and ripens in mid to late October.2.
Bala-Miursel. A local Azerbaidzhan selection. Plants reach 3m in
height. Fruits are large (400-500g), the rind is a deep crimson, and
thick. Large-seeded, with red, sweet-acid juice, containing up to 16%
sugar and 1.5% acids. Fruits ripen at the beginning of October and will
keep for 3-4 months. Yield is 30-50kg per plant.3.
Giulosha Azerbaidzhan. Plants grow to 3m, fruits weigh 300-400g. Their
skin is pinky red, thin, and shiny. Seeds are large, juice is bright
pink and sweet-acid, containing about 20% sugar, 1.8% acids. Fruits
ripen in early to mid October, and keep for 2-3 months.4.
Guilosha Pink. Another local Azerbaidzhani selection. Fruits are round,
medium size (200-250gm), sometimes larger. Seeds are of medium size,
juice yield is high (around 54%) and of excellent flavour. Sugar
content is 15.6%, acids 1.3%.5.
Kazake-Anar. An Uzbek selection with large (300-400g) yellow-green
fruits, medium thickness rind, and big seeds. Juice is crimson - red,
sweet-acid and of good flavour, containing about 20% sugar and 1.85%
acids. Juice yield is about 45%, this high-yielding cultivar ripens in
the first half of October. A very widespread variety.6.
Kaim-Nar. An Azerbaidzhani variety with medium-size fruits (200-250g),
greenish with a bright-red blush. The dark red juice is tasty and
sweet-acid, fruits ripen mid-October.7.
Kai-Achik-Anar. An Uzbek-Tadzhik variety in which the plants grow quite
large. Fruits are large (300-400g) and spherical, ripening in
mid-October. They transport and keep well. Plants yield about 50kg each
of fruit with 16% sugar, 1.4% acid.8.
Kzyl-Anar. An Uzbek variety with medium round fruits. Their shiny green
skin is of average thickness. Seeds are medium size. Juice yield is
about 54%, sweet-acid with 15% sugar and 2.2% acid. Fruits ripen in
early to mid-October and keep for 4-5 months, but do not travel well.9.
Krmyzy-Kabukh. An Azerbaidzhani variety of exceptional quality. Plants
are very tall (4 m), fruits are large (350-400g), bright red, and
spherical. Medium rind, large seeds, yielding about 45% of red
sweet-acid juice, with about 14.5% sugar, 2.1 % acids.10.
Nazik-Kabukh. An Azerbaidzhani selection which produces large (400g)
dark red fruits on a tall (4m) plant. Fruits contain big seeds, yield
about 49% sweet-acid juice, with about 12.3% sugar and 2.6% acids.
Fruit ripens in early to mid October, keeps for 3-4 months, and is in
high yield.11. Shakh-Nar. An
Azerbaidzhani selection growing on a small plant. The medium-size
(300g) red fruits are round or pear-shaped, with average-thickness
rind. Seeds are small, juice yield is around 50%, the sweet-acid juice
has about 13.4% sugar and 2.1 % acids. Fruits are ripe in the second
half of October, and keep for 6 months. Yields are good.A great many other varieties exist as well as these. They include Surkh-Anor, Kavadany, Iridane, Ak-Dona, and Shirin-Nar.Further DevelopmentThe
present aim in Central Asia is to increase the area under pomegranate
production, and 10 specialist plantations of this fruit have been
established, but the range of varieties in use is still very limited.
This limits the season of fruit availability and puts pressure on
harvesting and processing processes. There is a need to develop early
varieties suited for intensive culture.However,
in practice, breeding work has almost ceased. In Tadzhikistan, a small
amount of variety crossing is still being carried out, working with the
gene bank assembled by Prof. B. S. Rozanov and T. A. Ivanova, all
directed to obtain dwarfed cultivars suited to artificial shelter and
producing soft-seeded, sweet-acid fruits. In Azerbaidzhan, many
cultivars and promising selections have emerged from the gene bank
collection of A.D. Strebkova and Prof. L. M. Akhund-zade.One
of the largest assemblies of pomegranate resource material is that of
the Vavilov Institute's Turkmen Experiment Station - this numbers more
than 1000 selections. A small amount of work on soft-seeded cultivars
is still being carried out there. The climatic conditions of the
Station, in the north of the open (unsheltered) pomegranate culture
belt, has enabled some good selection work to be carried out. For
example, in the 1950-60 period, N.L Zaktreger was able to select a
series of promising cultivars and forms.Selections
with early or extra-early ripening features are of special interest.
For example, fruits of the test variety 'Super-early' ripen at the
beginning of August. Soft-seeded varieties which ripen between late
August and early September include '6/49' (selected by Prof. Rozanov) ,
and 'Andalib', 'Kerogly', 'Siunt', 'Zelili', 'Anvari', 'Sumbar', and
'Shikhimderinskii' (selected by Zaktreger). All these, according to G.
M. Levin [1990], are promising for testing in the northern, colder
regions of pomegranate culture.The
soft-seeded varieties are of excellent eating quality. This group
contains about 100 accessions with a range of ripening and taste
characteristics. Varieties which reached the official testing and
registration stage included 'Podarok', 'Shainakskii', 'Agat',
'Gissarskii Alyi', 'Gissarskii Krupnoplodnyi', 'Meskheti', and
'Azerbaidzhan'.Good cold and frost
resistance is found in the 'Kazake' strains, most of which have
valuable cultural and biological traits. The seedling '57/12' is
notably cold-resistant. For the modified-environment areas, the dwarf,
soft-seeded and sweet-acid selections of Rozanov and Ivanova are
promising, especially the variety 'Agat'.PropagationPomegranate
is normally propagated from cuttings, occasionally by grafting.
One-year or two-year wood is used, with cuttings 20-25cm long and at
least 0.5cm across. They may be taken between December and mid-April,
and may be stored in a cellar in damp sand, or buried in trenches in
the open ground.Cuttings are set out
after cutting across under a lower node with a sharp knife. They should
be inclined rather than upright, with one bud exposed, at a separation
of 16-20cm within the row and 90cm between rows. They can be
transplanted from the nursery when 1-2 years old and with shoots
40-50cm long.If grafting is used,
wild or semi-cultivated pomegranate rootstock is recommended. Best
results are obtained with bark or whip-and-tongue grafts. Grafting is
done in spring, budding is best done with dormant buds early in
spacing for pomegranates is still not decided. Layouts from 3 x 3m to 8
x 8m have been recommended. However, the most widely-accepted spacings
are 4 x 2m or 4 x 3m, corresponding to 1250 and 833 plants/hectare.Soil
treatments are as for normal orchards. Ploughing each year to a depth
of 20-25cm, depending on the root system, is normal. The best
fertilization method is to apply 30-40 tonnes of animal manure per
hectare every two years, corresponding to N120-P90-K60. Irrigation is
very important to obtain good plant growth conditions and ripen good
fruit, the amount required equates to 900-1000 cubic metres per
hectare. Pomegranate plantations are irrigated about 12 times during
the vegetative period, usually once in April, twice in May and June, 3
times in July and August, and once in September.Pomegranates
can be grown as a multi-stemmed shrub with 3 or 4 stems, or as a small
tree with 4-5 scaffold branches. On each of these, 4-5 secondary shoots
may be left, each with their own tertiary shoots, and so on. Unwanted
suckers and shoots are cut out systematically. It is specially
important to see that root suckers and watershoots are not left, these
should be cleaned out 3 or 4 times a year.Pomegranates
bear both on older wood, especially that 2- 3 years old, as well as on
current season growth. Best fruit yield and quality is obtained from
older wood. Because of this, it is desirable during early pruning,
before blossoming, to remove about 50% of current-year shoots, and
shorten the remaining half so that flower buds do not form on them
[Arendt, 1973]. These
shoots are shortened again in late July-early August, while main
pruning is done in autumn. The aim of this is to thin the crown,
leaving the strongest and best-formed branches. Replacement of older
(3-5 year) branches with new ones, plus timely removal of current year
non-fruiting shoots, are major requirements to maintain regular high
yields.Under protected-culture
conditions, it is more reasonable to form a leaning shrub with three
main branches, to reduce breaking of branches and rotting when this is
covered during winter. Shaping is commenced the second spring after
planting. The aim in pruning is to attain precise and timely control of
growth processes in the inclined branches to give optimum growth and
fruiting. Correct pruning in protected culture can increase yields by
at least 14%.Fruit picking is an
extended process, as all fruits do not ripen at the same time. The
longer the fruits stay on the plant, the better their flavour and the
higher their sugar content, so it is important to allow fruits to ripen
on the tree as late as local climatic conditions allow.ReferencesArendt, N.K. (1973): Introduction to Pomegranate Varieties (in Russian). Yalta.Berezhnoi, I.M., et al. (1951): Subtropical Crops (in Russian). Selskhogiz, Moscow.Endin, O.A. (1944): Dye plants of Turkmenia (in Russian). Trud. Turk. fil. AN SSSR, No.5.Evreinoff, V.A. (1957): Contribution a l'etude du granadier. J. d'agric. trop. bot. appl. (Paris), Vol. 4 No. 3-4.Gammerman,
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