Excerpts from
"Propagating Deciduous Fruit Plants Common to Georgia"
M. E. Ferree and Gerard Krewer, University of Georgia,
Cooperative Extension
Runners and Stooling
Only the strawberry, which produces numerous daughter plants during the
growing season, is propagated by runners.
plants (runners or daughter plants) are produced by the mother plants.
Runner formation occurs throughout the growing season. These runners
form roots, and subsequently produce more runners, which in turn form
roots. These rooted runners are dug in the fall for fall planting or in
the winter for spring planting (Figure 1).

Fig. 1 Runner
all of the strawberries grown in Georgia are for pick-your-own
operations or home use, the matted row system of strawberry culture is
most desirable. Matted row strawberry plantings are best established by
spring planting. Thus winter digging of runners for plants is
preferred. These plants should be bundled, kept moist and held at
33° to 34°F until they are planted.
stooling of plants, such as the erect blackberry, fig and rabbiteye
blueberry, will produce a limited number of plants. Where only a few
plants are wanted, digging the natural stools of established plants of
desired varieties is a good method. Stools of these three fruits should
be dug in the dormant season and planted in the desired location.
Because most stool plants have a limited root system, the top of the
plant have a limited root system, the top of the plant should be pruned
back by at least half. Figure 2 is an erect blackberry stool with an
exceptionally large root system.

Fig. 2 Stool
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