name: Rollinia
The genus Rollinia
contains more than a dozen species indigenous to the West Indies,
Central and South America. Two of these, the R. pulchrinervia (deliciosa) and the R. mucosa, have
been grown in South Florida for some time and appear well-adapted to
our warmer climatic area.
medium-sized trees are vigorous growers and under favorable conditions
can reach a height of 20 ft. in about three years after being set out
in the field. The obovate-oblong or elliptical leaves are 6 to 10
inches long. The pale greenish-yellow to cream-yellow fruit is
roundish-oblate in shape, 3 to 8 inches in length with a soft, sweet,
whitish-translucent pulp in which are embedded numerous seeds. As there
can be a variation in fruit size, fruit quality and productivity among
seedling populations, the vegetative propagation of superior strains
could prove beneficial.
In South Florida the Rollinia is attacked by chalcid fly mealybugs and
scale. In Brazil R.
pulchrinervia goes under the names of "Biriba" and "Fruta
de Condessa".
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