Article from
Edited by
Penmouse, Teresa, Blizzerand, Cheesedude and 4 others
How to Grow an
Avocado Tree
you ever wanted to grow some thing that is fun for you kids and really
easy? well you need an avocado. Watching a plant grow from seed, can be
a very rewarding experience, knowing that you were a part of this
magnificent creation. Avocado trees that have not been grafted will
bear after 4-5 years after being planted in the soil. Avocado trees
provide sufficient shade and hard to reach fruit provides food for
birds, beetles etc.
Step 1
Save the avocado seed the next time you purchase the produce.
Gently cut away the outside of the avocado without harming the seed.
(you can use the leftover fruit for dip.)
Wash the seed under faucet water.

Step 2
Get four toothpicks and gently stick them in the sides of the avocado
around the center (pointed side of the avocado up.)
Step 3
a clear glass of water and place the avocado in it round side in the
water. use the tooth picks to keep the top from being under water.

A young, two week old avocado sprout

Step 4
Set it in a well lit area such as a window and wait.
In a few weeks, your avocado will grow roots.
A few weeks later, it
will grow a small stem. When the stem appears, remove it from the water
and place it in a small pot root side down and cover it with potting
soil, leaving an inch or two of the top of the avocado showing.
Step 5
your tree grow into a beautiful plant. Water it every few days, but
don't over water it. Your tree most likely will never fruit but it is
quite a beautiful plant.
Step 6
you can transfer the plant into the soil and watch this grow into a
beautiful tree. The tree should bear fruit after 4-5 years after
planting into soil.
Note from This method of propagation usually does not
come true to seed.
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