Biriba - Rollinia mucosa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Fig. 1 Rollinia mucosa ![]() Fig. 2 ![]() R. deliciosa ![]() Fig. 3 ![]() ![]() Fig. 4 ![]() ![]() Fig. 5 ![]() ![]() Fig. 6 ![]() ![]() Fig. 9 ![]() ![]() Fig. 15 ![]() ![]() Fig. 16 ![]() ![]() Fig. 17 ![]() Biribá (R. deliciosa) flowers ![]() Fig. 18 ![]() Bukit Tagar, Hulu Selangor, Malaysia ![]() Fig. 19 ![]() ![]() Fig. 20 ![]() ![]() Fig. 21 ![]() ![]() Fig. 24 ![]() Fig. 25 ![]() Annona mucosa syn. Rollinia deliciosa, Noel with his beautiful mature tree, Coral Springs, Florida Fig. 26 ![]() What a solid looking trunk, Coral Springs, Florida ![]() Fig. 27 ![]() Suddenly have about 20+ perfectly ripe rollinias (biribas) on one tree ![]() Fig. 28 ![]() ![]() Fig. 29 |
name Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill. Common names The popular Brazilian name has been widely adopted, but in that country it may also be called biriba de Pernambuco, fruta da condessa, jaca de pobre, araticu, araticum, araticum pitaya. In Peru, it is anon; in Ecuador, chirimoya; in Colombia, mulato; in Venezuela, rinon or rinon de monte; in Mexico, anona babosa or zambo. In Trinidad it is called wild sugar apple; in Guadeloupe, cachiman morveux, cachiman cochon or cachiman montagne, in Puerto Rico, cachiman or anon cimarron, in the Dominican Republic, candongo or anona. 1 Synonyms A. mucosa Jacq., R. deliciosa Saff., R. orthopetala A. DC., R. biflora Ruiz & Pav. ex G. Don, A. reticulata var. mucosa (Jacq.) Willd. 2 Relatives Sugar apple (A. squamosa), cherimoya (A. cherimola), soursop (A. muricata), custard apple (A. reticulata), pond apple (A. glabra), ilama (A. diversifolia) Family Annonaceae (annona family) Origin Originated in northern Brazil, Amazon; also found in Guiana, southern Mexico, Peru, and northern Argentina 3 USDA hardiness zones 10a-11 Uses Fruit; fermented to make wine in Brazil Height 13-50 ft (4-15 m) Growth rate Fast Trunk/bark/branches Dense, multiple-branched growth habit Leaves Alternate; deciduous; oblong-elliptic or ovate-oblong leaves; pointed at the apex, rounded at the base; 4-10 in. (10-25 cm) long; thin but somewhat leathery and hairy on the underside 1 Flowers Borne 1-3 in the leaf axils; hermaphroditic; triangular with 3 large fleshy outer petals and 3 rudimentary inner petals 1 Fruits Syncarp berries; succulent, sweet pulp; many seeds: highly inconsistent in shape; turns green to yellow when ripe Season Nov., Dec. Light requirement Prospers equally well in sun or shade Soil tolerances Calcareous soils do not seem to be unsuitable in Florida or Puerto Rico as long as they are moist 1 Drought tolerance Will not tolerate drought Wind tolerance Very susceptible to wind damage, particularly when young 8 Cold tolerance 26.5 °F (-3.10 °C) Invasive potential * None reported Pest resistance Is attacked by chalcid fly mealybugs and scale Known hazard None known Reading Material Rollinia, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa pdf Rollinia deliciosa, Archives of the Rare Fruit Council of Australia The Rollinia, Archives of the Rare Fruit Council of Australia Biriba, Fruits of Warm Climates Origin This species has an extensive natural range, from Peru and northern Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil and northward to Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia and southern Mexico; Trinidad, the Lesser Antilles including Guadeloupe, Martinique and St. Vincent; and Puerto Rico and Hispaniola. It is much cultivated around Iquitos, Peru, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the fruits are marketed in abundance. It is the favorite fruit in western Amazonia. 1 There are about 65 species in the previously accepted genus Rollinia (now rolled into Annona), but only a few produce edible fruit. 8 Description The Rollinia is a rapid growing medium sized tree. It reaches a height of around 5 metres (16 ft) and has a spread of about 4 to 5 metres (13-16 ft) across. The tree is an attractive cone shape. The leaves are light green in colour, obovate-oblong. The leaves are of a smooth texture with distinct veins at the back of the leaves like the rib bones of a fish (Fig. 6,9). The veins are a slight yellow green in colour. The leaves hang off long slender branches which look like large feathers. 5
Flowers The flowers are solitary or in groups of 2-3, hermaphrodite, borne on long pedicels and exhibit protogynous dichogamy. 8 The flowers, borne in the leaf axils, 3/4 to 1 3/8 in (23.5 cm) wide; triangular, with 3 hairy sepals, 3 large, fleshy outer petals with upturned or horizontal wings, and 3 rudimentary inner petals. 1
Pollination Like avocados, environmental conditions can affect the degree of overlap between male and female stages, changing the degree of self-pollination possible. Pollination is the limiting factor in fruit set; below a relative humidity of 80%, this will be compromised due to pollen and stigma desiccation. Pollinators are thought to be beetles, thrips and to a lesser extent, flies. 8 There is a small opening on the underside of the mature flowers into which small insects - flies, beetles and ants - crawl, which are attracted by the sweet smell of the flowers which is like a ripening custard apple. The unpollinated flowers fall off and the pollinated flowers form into little fruit. 5 Fruit The fruit is conical to heart-shaped, or oblate; to 6 in (15 cm) in diameter; the rind yellow and composed of more or less hexagonal, conical segments, each tipped with a wart-like protrusion; nearly 1/8 in (3 mm) thick, leathery, tough and indehiscent. The pulp is white, mucilaginous, translucent, juicy, subacid to sweet. There is a slender, opaque-white core. 1 The somewhat fragile skin contains milky-white, pyramidal shaped carpels usually containing black seeds that average half an inch in length. 3 The yellow fruits have a juicy, melting flesh of a very pleasant flavour, reminiscent of lemon meringue pie. 6
Varieties A few known cultivars include ‘Regard’ in the Philippines, ‘Prolific’ in Florida, and ‘Liso’ in Brazil. 3 Harvesting Once harvested, the fruit will fully ripen in 5 to 8 days. As with many other Annonaceae, the fruit will have a short, less than 1 week, shelf life. Once the fruit skin turns fully black, the pulp color and viscosity changes to a clear mucous hence the botanic name, R. mucosa. At this stage, the fruit remains edible for only 1 or 2 days before fermentation begins. 3 Propagation Rollinia is often propagated from seed, being recalcitrant, should be planted as soon as possible after harvest. Preferably take seeds from trees that bear regularly with superior fruit. Germination takes about a month and averages 80 percent success. Air-layering and grafting are possible. 3 Grafting onto rootstocks of A. montana or A. glabra causes dwarfing. 4 Grafting Annonas in Southern Florida, Hort Science pdf
Planting The tree grows best in deep, rich, organic soil and benefits form copious amounts of mulch as long as there is good drainage, but it tolerates poorer and highly acidic soils as long as there is sufficient water. 3 Pruning The rapid growing tree needs to be pruned regularly to facilitate harvesting as well as for removal of dead wood. It’s also advisable to trim extremely long branches as the weight of multiple fruits can cause the branch to break. 3 Irrigation Water is the most crucial element when trying to grow Rollinias. They are flood tolerant. Pests Few pest are found on healthy well cared for trees. Moth larva (Lepidopterene) can attack maturing fruit. A borer (Cratosomus bombina) burrows into the bark and trunk causing branch death. Once pruned, these branches should be burned or disposed of and not left in the field. White flies (Aleurodyscus cocois) and mealy bugs (Pseudococcus brevipes and Aspidiotus destructor) are found on leaves. 3 Diseases Cercospora leaf spot occurs and Glomerella cingulata causes stem dieback and fruit rot. 3 Food Uses The fruit, often described as having a caramel or lemon custard- pudding flavor, is usually eaten out of hand. It is often juiced in Brazil and sometimes blended with milk for a drink. It has also been made into wine. 3 It can also be used to make milk shakes, jams, jellies, pickles and chutneys. The flesh oxidizes rapidly once the fruit is cut. 8
Medicinal Properties ** The fruit is regarded as refrigerant, analeptic and antiscorbutic. The powdered seeds are said to be a remedy for enterocolitis. 1 Other Uses (Indigenous) The wood of the tree is yellow, hard, heavy, strong and is used for ribs for canoes, boat masts, boards and boxes. 1 Young Biriba trees are traditionally used as the main bow of the Afro-Brazilian instrument Berimbau, named after the Biriba tree. 4 General Of the approximately 65 species of the genus Rollinia (family Annonaceae), only a few have edible fruit and the best-known is the biriba, R. mucosa Baill. 1 Other Edibles in the Annona genus: Atemoya (A. cherimola x A. squamosa) Cherimoya (A. cherimola) Custard Apple (A. reticulata) Ilama (A. macroprophyllata) Mountain Soursop (A. montana) Pond Apple (A. glabra) Poshte (A. scleroderma) Soursop (A. muricata) Sugar apple (A. squamosa) Further Reading Rollinia, Archives of the Rare Fruit Council of Australia List of Growers and Vendors |
Bibliography 1 Fruits of Warm Climates. Julia F. Morton, Miami, 1987. 2 Lorenzi, Harri, et al. Brazillian Fruits & Cultivated Exotics (for consuming in natura). Brazil. Instituto Plantarum de Estudos da Flora LTDA. 2006. Print. 3 Love, Ken, and Robert E. Paull. "Rollinia." Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers, CTAHR Dept. of Tropical Plants and Soils Sciences, June 2011, Accessed 9 Feb. 2016. 4 "Rollinia deliciosa." Wikipedia, Accessed 9 Feb. 2016. 5 Gray, Don, and Chris. "The Rollinia." Archives of the Rare Fruit Council of Australia, July 1981, Accessed 9 Feb. 2016. 6 Facciola. S. Cornucopia II A Source Book of Edible Plants. Vista, Kampong Publications, 1998. 7 Campbell, Richard J. "South American fruits deserving further attention." Progress in New Crops, p. 431-439, J. Janick (ed.), ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA, 1996, Accessed 10 Feb. 2016. 8 "Rollinia, Biriba, Annona (Rollinia) mucosa (deliciosa)." The Rare Fruit Club WA, Accessed 15 Aug. 2021. Videos v1 "Annonas with Har, Introduction." Truly Tropical Farms, 6 Jan. 2021, (CC0), Accessed 7 Aug. 2021. v2 "How to Graft Annona Fruit Trees Using Cleft Graft - Grafting Dream Cherimoya, Atemoya, etc." Sulcata Grove, 26 Feb. 2017, Accessed 23 July 2021. v3 "From Tree to Taste Buds: Rollinia." Eat Plants Move More, 27 May 2021, (CC0), Accessed 15 Aug. 2021. Photographs Fig. 1 Torres, Rovin Laudin Alba. "Fruto de la comumente conocida Guanacona." Wikimedia Commons, 2009, Accessed 9 Feb. 2016. Fig. 2 Hinchliff, Cody. "Rollinia deliciosa Saff." Flickr, 2009, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Accessed 10 Feb. 2016. Fig. 3,4,5,8,9,20 Aguilar, Reinaldo. "Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill." Vascular Plants of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, 18 July 2013, Flickr, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). Accessed 10 Feb. 2016. Fig. 7,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 Cerlin Ng. "Rollinia deliciosa." Flickr, 19 Feb. 2018, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), deliciosa. Accessed 15 Aug. 2021. Fig. 17,23,25,26 Bronson, Eric. "Annona mucosa syn. Rollinia deliciosa." I likE plants! 10 Nov. 2009, (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 US), Accessed 15 Aug. 2021. Fig. 18 Morad, Asmad Fuad. "Flowers and Leaves, Bukit Tagar, Hulu Selangor, Malaysia." Useful Tropical Plants Database, 2011, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Accessed 10 Feb. 2016. Fig. 19 Hinchliff, Cody. "Rollinia deliciosa Saff." Flickr, 29 Mar. 2009, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Image cropped, Accessed 14 Aug. 2021. Fig. 21 Hinchliff, Cody. "Rollinia deliciosa Saff." Flickr, 29 Mar. 2009, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Accessed 14 Aug. 2021. Fig. 22 Hinchliff, Cody. "Rollinia deliciosa Saff." Flickr, 28 Mar. 2009, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Image cropped, Accessed 14 Aug. 2021. Fig. 24 "Biriba." Trade Winds Fruit, Accessed 15 Aug. 2021. Fig. 27,28 Jaitt, Oscar. "Suddenly have about 20+ perfectly ripe rollinias (biribas) on one tree." Fruit Lovers's Nursery, 2015, Accessed 10 Feb. 2016. Fig. 29 Bronson, Eric. "Annona mucosa syn. Rollinia deliciosa." I likE plants! Flickr, 24 May 2009,(CC BY 2.0), Image cropped, Accessed 15 Aug. 2021. * UF/IFAS Assessment of Non-native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas ** Information provided is not intended to be used as a guide for treatment of medical conditions. Published 12 Apr. 2014 LR. Last update 27 Aug. 2021 LR |